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1 | DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF THE FORCES BETWEEN COMPLEMENTARY STRANDS OF DNA GU. Lee, ( )LA. Chrisey, RJ. Colton, Science (1994-11-04) 266-5186 p.771 Science publications Publisher : AMER ASSOC ADVANCEMENT SCIENCE, 1200 NEW YORK AVE, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20005 USA. ISSN : 0036-8075 Abstract : Interaction forces between single strands of DNA were measured with the atomic force microscope by a procedure in which DNA oligonucleotides were covalently attached to a spherical probe and surface. Adhesive forces measured between complementary 20-base strands fell into three distinct distributions centered at 1.52, 1.11, and 0.83 nano-newtons, which are associated with the rupture of the interchain interaction between a single pair of molecules involving 20, 16, and 12 base pairs, respectively. When a third long DNA molecule was coupled between complementary surfaces, both intra- and interchain forces were observed. The intrachain interaction resulting from the molecule's elasticity manifested itself as a long-range cohesive force.z Corresponding Author : LEE, GU, USN,RES LAB,DIV CHEM,CODE 6177,WASHINGTON,DC 20375. Affiliation(s) : (0) USN,RES LAB,CTR BIOMOLEC SCI & ENGN,WASHINGTON,DC 20375.; Key words : MICROSCOPY; OLIGONUCLEOTIDES; MOLECULES Type : Article, English. 1994-11-04 Time cited 359; Journal impact factor for year 1994 equals 22.067 [0] ALBRECHT TR, 1988, J VAC SCI TECHNOL A, V6, P271 [1] ASHKIN A, 1987, NATURE, V330, P769 [2] BEAUCAGE SL, 1981, TETRAHEDRON LETT, V22, P1859 [3] BHATIA SK, 1989, ANAL BIOCHEM, V178, P408 [4] BRESLAUER KJ, 1986, P NATL ACAD SCI USA, V83, P3746 [5] CHRISEY LA, 1994, MATER RES SOC S P, V330, P179 [6] CONNOLLY BA, 1985, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES, V13, P4485 [7] DENG GR, 1983, METHOD ENZYMOL, V100, P96 [8] DURIG U, 1992, J APPL PHYS, V72, P1778 [9] FLORIN EL, 1994, SCIENCE, V264, P415 [10] FLORY PJ, 1953, PRINCIPLES POLYM CHE [11] FLORY PJ, 1989, STATISTICAL MECHANIC [12] INMAN RB, 1964, J MOL BIOL, V8, P452 [13] INMAN RB, 1964, J MOL BIOL, V9, P624 [14] ISRAELACHVILI JN, 1992, INTERMOLECULAR SURFA, CH10 [15] JAMES HM, 1943, J CHEM PHYS, V11, P455 [16] KLUMP HH, 1988, BIOCH THERMODYNAMICS, P105 [17] KUMAR A, 1991, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES, V19, P4561 [18] LEE GU, 1994, LANGMUIR, V10, P354 [19] MARKY LA, 1987, BIOPOLYMERS, V26, P1601 [20] MEYER G, 1988, APPL PHYS LETT, V53, P1045 [21] PERKINS TT, 1994, SCIENCE, V264, P822 [22] PUTMAN CAJ, 1992, J APPL PHYS, V72, P6 [23] RAU DC, 1984, P NATL ACAD SCI USA, V81, P2621 [24] SAENGER W, 1983, PRINCIPLES NUCLEIC A, CH6 [25] SAMBROOK J, 1989, MOL CLONING LABORATO [26] SMITH SB, 1992, SCIENCE, V258, P1122 [27] WATSON JD, 1953, NATURE, V171, P737 |
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